Travel Frequently? Don't Wait to Visit the Doctor

Being Asked To Submit To An Independent Medical Exam? Avoid These Mistakes That Might Sabotage Your Claim

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If you are filing an injury-related claim with your insurance company, the company may request that you undergo an independent medical exam, or IME. This exam is typically conducted by a doctor who contracts with the insurance company. He or she will look you over and offer a second opinion as to the extent of your injuries, so the insurance company can be confident that the injuries described by your regular doctor are, indeed, present.…

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Keep Calm and Kegel On: 4 Tips For a Healthy Reproductive System

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Have you ever really thought about the way your vagina feels? It might be a strange question, but knowing how to determine whether or not you have a healthy reproductive system is important. It extends beyond having a normal period or pain-free menopause. Consider the following tips to keep your reproductive system in great shape. 1. Learn how to perform Kegel exercises. Strengthen your vaginal muscles by tightening them with Kegels.…

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Three Perks Health Insurance May Cover For People In Their 20s

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Health insurance – everyone needs it and everyone has to have it. When you’re in your 20s and relatively healthy, it can be easy to forget about it, though. This is especially true if you are on an employer plan or still on your parent’s plan, since you aren’t feeling the monthly premium sting. Still, since you have it, why not get the most from it? This guide will help you maximize your insurance benefits.…

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