If you’re dealing with a stomach bug, you may not be able to hold much down. If you haven’t been able to eat or drink much, you could quickly become dehydrated, which could eventually cause you to feel lightheaded and dizzy. Rather than take the risk of passing out, you should start by self-treating at home and then seek additional care if it’s needed.
Start the Day With Some Ginger…
If you get red, itchy eyes, a runny nose or a sore throat when you are around cats or dogs, you may have an allergy to them. However, the only way to know for sure is to have an allergy test done by your doctor. There are two common ways that you can be tested for pet allergies. The first is through a skin test. With a skin test, a needle is inserted into your arm and a small amount of the allergen is added.…
Neck pain and stiffness is a common complaint. It can develop from working at a computer all day or from reading a tablet or smartphone with your head in a downward position. Neck pain that’s caused by muscle strain and tension can often be relieved through stretching and massage. Here are some suggestions for treating neck pain with massage therapy.
Get a Quick Chair Massage
If you don’t want to take time for a relaxing full body massage, just take a few minutes for a chair massage.…