Positron emission tomography (PET) is one of several types of imaging tests that can be used to diagnose and monitor conditions affecting the internal organs. In some cases, the use of PET scans offers additional benefits than only using computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Staging And Monitoring Cancer
When a malignant mass has been identified in a patient, it is necessary to determine the stage of cancer. The stage can dictate treatment options and if surgery is a viable option.…
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Being a new parent can be a stressful experience because there will be many adjustments that you will have to make. For new mothers, this may mean developing a breast milk pumping routine. While there are an assortment of breast pumps and accessories that can make it easy to extract and store milk, this can still be a somewhat time-consuming part of being a new mother. Fortunately, you can use the following tips to help you minimize the disruptions caused by this task.…
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When spring rolls around, the plants, trees, and grasses all start spitting out pollen. That’s how they reproduce. However, for people, pollen isn’t necessarily all that good. There are a lot of people who have hay fever. Hay fever is a catch-all phrase that covers allergies to pollen. It’s just easier to say that you have hay fever than it is to say that you are allergic to the sugar maple tree, crabgrass, and tulips.…
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