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Do You Need Hearing Aids? How An ENT Determines That You Don't Have A Hearing Problem

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Being told by your general physician that you need hearing aids is something most older adults do not want to hear. You may ask for a referral to specialists, such as an audiologist, or an ENT specialist. You might be thinking now that an ENT specialist does not have anything to do with the hearing loss determination process, but actually he/she does. There are tests that the ENT can do to rule out medical conditions that would cause you to hear less than you should.…

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Types of Massage That May Help Your Stiff & Sore Neck

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Neck pain and stiffness is a common complaint. It can develop from working at a computer all day or from reading a tablet or smartphone with your head in a downward position. Neck pain that’s caused by muscle strain and tension can often be relieved through stretching and massage. Here are some suggestions for treating neck pain with massage therapy. Get a Quick Chair Massage If you don’t want to take time for a relaxing full body massage, just take a few minutes for a chair massage.…

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Vision Disturbances After Cataract Surgery? What You Should Know

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When you have been diagnosed with cataracts and gone through all of the treatments for them, up to and including surgery, you may hope and expect that all of your vision problems are behind you. However, in the aftermath of your cataract surgery, whether soon after or many years down the road, you may experience trouble with your vision again. Get to know some of the reasons that you may have vision troubles after cataract surgery and what you can and should do about it.…

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How To Lose Fat For Your Upcoming Beach Vacation

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If you are planning an upcoming vacation to the beach, you might be trying to find a way to drop some fat. It’s important to focus on losing fat and not simply losing weight. You don’t want to lose muscle and end up looking skinny fat in your bikini or shorts. So, it is important to diet correctly and work out smartly. Here’s what you should and should not do.…

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Five Cremation Options For A Loved One Who Loved Nature

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When it comes to selecting an urn, there are many options to choose from. If you are planning a funeral for a loved one who was in love with nature, here are a few options to choose from. Tree Urns Tree urns are biodegradable urns with tree seeds mixed with the cremains. As the urn deteriorates over time, it begins to grow a tree. This is one way your loved one can literally become one with nature.…

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3 Wart Removal Methods

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Having a wart is often a big nuisance because not only is this wart an annoying growth on your body, but it can sometimes be quite painful. Getting rid of warts can also be quite the task, especially if you don’t know where to begin. There are several different methods for getting rid of warts and some work better than others, depending on the wart. Duct Tape  Duct tape is a great at-home method for getting rid of your wart.…

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Planning For Your Upcoming Cataract Surgery

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Your eye doctor has suggested that you have cataract surgery to improve your vision, but you’re a little nervous about the procedure. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, 3 million people have this surgery each year, and more than one third experience a higher quality of life after completing the procedure in both eyes. Here is some information to help you feel more comfortable about the surgery and get excited about your improved vision.…

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Anti-Aging Products And Options To Regain Youthful Skin

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If you feel you are really starting to show your age, or that you look even older than you are, invest in some anti-aging products. Because your face is usually the first impression people get when they meet you, you want it to be vibrant and youthful. Try the following things to get the smooth, healthy and dewy skin you want, so you don’t have to be embarrassed about your age.…

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5 Benefits Of Hospice Care

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If your elderly parent or other loved one has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, you may be wondering if hospice care is the right decision for the situation at hand. Most people know very little about the type of care involved in hospice settings, but once they begin to understand what is involved, they realize that it can be a good decision for many patients, their caregivers, and their families.…

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Exploring The Relationship Between The Selfie And Changing Plastic Surgery Trends

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In 2013, the Oxford Dictionary added a new word to its pages: “selfie.” With the increase in selfie snapping, posting, and sharing, however; people are more self-aware and body-conscious than ever before. As a result, more and more people–especially those under 30–are turning to plastic surgery in an effort to snap the perfect selfie. Changing Motivations for Plastic Surgery In March of 2014, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, or AARPRS, announced the results of its annual survey geared toward examining trends within the industry.…

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