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TRT Therapy: What To Bring Up With Your Doctor

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Low testosterone can be a frustrating issue many patients find themselves dealing with at some point. Luckily, the remarkable advances in testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT therapy, can help treat your symptoms in a safe and effective way. Here are just a few symptoms of low testosterone that you should bring up to your doctor during your consultation. 

Changes in Your Libido

During your consultation, your physician may inquire about any changes in your libido. Low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and even complete loss of interest in sex may be present but can be treated with TRT therapy. These symptoms not only have a physical effect on patients but can also be trying mentally and emotionally, leading to turmoil in your relationships. It is not uncommon for patients who are experiencing low testosterone to have fluctuations in this area, so do not feel at all embarrassed for experiencing any of these symptoms. Speak openly with your doctor regarding your symptoms, and be open to their responses and suggestions. 

Psychological Side Effects

Brain fog, confusion, and being more forgetful are just a handful of symptoms you may be experiencing as a result of low testosterone levels. Some patients may also feel more emotional than usual, experiencing mood swings that were not present before. Be aware that the psychological side effects of low testosterone are completely normal and very common among most patients. Even if you are not experiencing these particular symptoms, the stress related to dealing with low testosterone levels can still take a toll on your mental health and well-being. In addition to TRT therapy, your doctor may also recommend counseling to help you through this process. Counseling is a fantastic way you can supplement your TRT therapy journey and keep a positive outlook on your progress.

Changes to Your Body

Low testosterone levels can also mean changes to your physical body, including weight gain, changes in hair growth, and loss of muscle mass. This can easily take a toll on your body, affecting your daily routine. Activities that were typically not trying before, such as your usual gym regimen, may make you feel exhausted. Likewise, a full day at work can leave you feeling completely depleted. Speak with your doctor regarding how you feel physically as this is just as important as the mental and emotional toll that low testosterone has on patients. Through TRT therapy, you will begin to see improvements regarding the physical symptoms, but be mindful that this progress can take a few weeks to begin to emerge. 

Contact a TRT physician for more information. 
