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3 Reasons To Schedule A Gynecological Exam

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The female reproductive system is complicated, so all women should have a gynecologist to see for appointments related to female health issues. A gynecologist specializes in female health and can assist with a number of different conditions. Regular gynecological exams are essential, and in some cases, a woman may need to see a gynecologist when health problems associated with the female reproductive system arise. Some of the top reasons to schedule an exam with your gynecologist include:

Preventative Health

Regular gynecological exams are highly recommended on an annual basis. Annual gynecological exams are preventative, much like getting a yearly physical when you see your primary care physician. During an annual gynecological exam, a pelvic exam is often done, as well as a pap smear. A pap smear is a gynecological procedure that involves collecting cells from the cervix-- these cells are then tested for abnormalities or the presence of cancer. In addition to a pelvic exam and pap smear, an annual gynecological exam will also include a breast exam to check for any lumps or masses in the breast tissue that may require a biopsy. Having an annual gynecological exam will help ensure that any issues are identified and treated early.

Menstruation Issues

Every woman's cycle is unique, but some women can have problems with their periods. Common menstruation issues can include very irregular periods, extremely heavy bleeding, longer than normal cycles, cycles that are abnormally short, or bleeding off and on during the month. If you're experiencing any type of menstruation issues, you should make an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as possible. Your gynecologist will do an exam, review your health history, and may order some tests. Once the reason for your menstruation issues is identified, your gynecologist will create a treatment plan to help normalize your periods.

Birth Control Prescriptions

Many sexually active women use different forms of birth control to prevent pregnancy. Birth control is also sometimes used to help regulate a woman's hormones. If you're newly sexually active, want to switch birth control methods, or are ready to start using birth control again after an extended break, you will need to schedule an exam with your gynecologist. In this day and age, there are many different types of birth control methods available-- you can count on your gynecologist to explain your options and select the right form of birth control based on your health and lifestyle. 
