New Help For Crutch Users
If you have been prescribed crutches, either for a short-term injury or a long-term gait problem, you may soon run into other issues. The design of the standard crutch can cause physical difficulties in addition to the mobility problems that you already have. If you have to use crutches in the future, look for the models that take the pressure off of your armpits.
Crutch Injuries
If you break your leg or have a long-term mobility issue, using crutches for an extended period can cause you some serious physical problems. Although doctors instruct you not to support your armpits with the crutches, people tend to prop themselves up with the padded tops or even rest on the tops while they walk with the crutches. This pressure can cause annoying skin irritations. Worse, long-term crutch usage can cause nerve damage, including a condition called "crutch palsy." Often, you will experience problems with your wrists and hands. Crutch use has also been tied to heart attacks and artery problems. If you are not cautious with your crutches, you can end up with several additional physical ailments.
New Models
Depending on your particular mobility problem, your doctor might prescribe forearm crutches which would eliminate the possible nerve damage under your arms. Your wrists and hands would still be subject to pressure, however. Fortunately, a new type of crutch is on the market that takes the pressure off your wrists and armpits. You put your forearms in the crutches parallel to the floor, and they, along with your elbows, support your while you use the crutches. These crutches are also hinged so that you can reach for items without taking off the crutch. Users of the new crutch report that many of their body aches are relieved when they make the switch. In addition to relief of armpit pressure, back pain is also diminished. Standard crutches do a good job of keeping weight off your leg, but the rest of your body weight works against you.
If you need crutches in the future, ask your physician about this new model. Being unable to walk normally is a trying experience, especially if the condition if long-term or permanent. Crutches that relieve weight on your legs while protecting the rest of your body are a good investment. Even if you won't need crutches in a month or two, someone in your family might in the future. Having the right equipment can make your recovery and/or adjustment less painful and restrictive.
For more information on crutches and other medical equipment check out