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4 Ways To Know That You Are Ovulating

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If you want to get pregnant, then you should know when you ovulate. Knowing when you ovulate will assist you in getting pregnant faster.  Here are some signs you should look out for and some methods you can use to know when you ovulate.

Ovulation Pain

Ovulation pain is one of the easiest ways to tell that an egg is about to be released from your ovaries. This pain is often sudden and remains in the lower abdomen until ovulation has passed. While ovulation pain is a good way to pinpoint ovulation, if the pain is too severe, it may be an indicator that you have ovarian cysts. If you are experiencing severe pain near ovulation, then you should consult your gynecologist immediately.

Basal Temperature

A drop in your basal temperature is a clear indicator that you are about to ovulate. In order to know whether or not your basal temperature has fallen you will have to chart your temperature. You can do this by buying a basal thermometer and taking your temperature at the same time every morning. You can download a basal temperature chart online, print it and start recording your temperature. After you have charted your cycle for at least three months you will begin to notice a pattern in when your temperature falls. By studying this pattern you will begin to have a good idea about when you ovulate.

Cervical Mucus

Watching your cervical mucus is one of the best ways to identify ovulation. Cervical mucus changes color and texture the closer you get to ovulation. Cervical mucus is produced in the cervix and drains down into the vagina. You can check your cervical fluid with a tissue or your fingertips. If you notice that the mucus is sticky, then you are not ovulating. If the fluid is creamy then ovulation is close. When your cervical mucus is egg white and runny then you are ovulating and intercourse is more likely to result in pregnancy.

Cervical Position

The position of your cervix will also tell you whether or not you are close to ovulation. You will need to squat and use your index finger and middle finger to check the position of your cervix. Place both fingers in your vagina while squatting and feel your cervix. If it is high and soft then you are about to ovulate or you are already ovulating.

By paying attention to the signs and symptoms listed above you can know when you are ovulating and likely to get pregnant. To learn more, contact a professional like Florham Park OB/GYN Dr. Donald Chervenak MD.
