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Septate Uterus And Pregnancy

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A normal uterus is typically shaped like an upside down pear, but some women are born with a uterine anomaly called a septate uterus. If a woman has a septate uterus, the uterine cavity is divided by a band of tissue. The septum may be small and only slightly protruding into the uterus, while a partial uterine septum will cause the uterus to have two separate side, and a complete septum will extend to the cervix and create two uterine cavities. In general, a septate uterus does not cause pain, but the presence of a uterine septum can cause fertility difficulties and pregnancy challenges.

Multiple Miscarriages

The tissue of a uterine septum is typically non-vascular, in stark contrast to the rich lining of the uterus. If an embryo implants on the septum, the pregnancy will typically end in a miscarriage, as the embryo will not be able to get the nutrition it needs to grow and develop. In many cases, miscarriages will happen early in the pregnancy. If you have had multiple miscarriages, your gynecologist will be able to do several diagnostic tests to determine the problem; if it is discovered that you have a uterine septum, you may be a good candidate for surgery to have the septum removed. 

Pre-term Delivery

The uterus is designed to stretch and grow during pregnancy, but a uterine septum, especially a large one, can prevent a growing fetus from being able to utilize the full space of the uterus. The lack of available space for the baby to grow to the blockage by the septum can signal the body to go into pre-term labor. While some women are not aware that they have a uterine septum during their first pregnancy (as uterine septums are not always visible on ultrasound), your gynecologist will monitor you closely if you begin to show signs of going into labor weeks before your due date. If you and your doctor are already aware of the presence of a uterine septum, you may receive extra monitoring throughout  the later part of your pregnancy.


In a typical labor and delivery, the baby is head down and comes out of the birth canal head first. A uterine septum can prevent a baby from turning and getting into the right position for birth, resulting in a breech position. In this day and age, many doctors do not usually deliver breech babies vaginally, so if you have a uterine septum there is an increased risk of needing a c-section to deliver your baby due to malposition. For more information, call your local gynecology office.
